@HLN_BE Stiekem weten we dat het aan de vaccins ligt. https://t.co/xY32sn85TP
@LautesS Es gäbe da eine konkrete Studie diesbezüglich, auch wenn da nicht so genau steht, woher bzw. wie die bestehende Entzündung überhaupt zustanden gekommen ist (da gibt's aber auch Studien). https://t.co/UKILU3c8Qh
@rsbkbf We have found this article but can't find anymore up to date info: https://t.co/n3j4uq7Lk3 There is general info on here too: https://t.co/6CUn8Um8nG
#IBD does 🚫 ⬆️ risk of adverse events with #COVID19 vaccination Unless > 50, previous #COVID, or UC > CD BUT ⬇️ risk in patients on advanced therapies https://t.co/eCoNWOHM1c https://t.co/6HHhgpFBRJ
Investigators evaluated adverse events after messenger RNA #vaccination in 246 adults with inflammatory bowel disease participating in a longitudinal #vaccine registry. 💉 https://t.co/ddArVppscP https://t.co/RelGdGBGYz
@DrCIJRD @ScottGottliebMD @umfoodoc Nope, here's a recent peer reviewed article which shows the opposite. The adverse event incidence is statistically identical. https://t.co/faEdsZ7xc3
mRNA COVID-19 vaccines well tolerated by IBD patients https://t.co/LGzuzKkRIy Shared from Epocrates, The #1 medical reference app. https://t.co/6B3jbzYYWk https://t.co/aPLvXXHHyb
RT @FITWITMD: Early but Reassuring Info for IBD patients ! https://t.co/kh8dUrLiOb 👌🏾@AmCollegeGastro @doc_ibd @GilMelmedMD
RT @DarrellPardi: Risk of COVID mRNA Vaccines not increased in IBD. Reassurance for our patients who often ask this question. https://t.…
RT @DarrellPardi: Risk of COVID mRNA Vaccines not increased in IBD. Reassurance for our patients who often ask this question. https://t.…
RT @DarrellPardi: Risk of COVID mRNA Vaccines not increased in IBD. Reassurance for our patients who often ask this question. https://t.…
Vacunas de mRNA contra CoVid, seguras en pacientes con Enfermedad Inflamatoria Intestinal #EII Efectos adversos ▶️ igual % q en individuos sanos ▶️ + frecuentes en jóvenes y POST CoVid ▶️ - frecuentes en tx biológico @GastroAsociados Cc:@ivetteodalys
RT @FITWITMD: Early but Reassuring Info for IBD patients ! https://t.co/kh8dUrLiOb 👌🏾@AmCollegeGastro @doc_ibd @GilMelmedMD
RT @FITWITMD: Early but Reassuring Info for IBD patients ! https://t.co/kh8dUrLiOb 👌🏾@AmCollegeGastro @doc_ibd @GilMelmedMD
RT @FITWITMD: Early but Reassuring Info for IBD patients ! https://t.co/kh8dUrLiOb 👌🏾@AmCollegeGastro @doc_ibd @GilMelmedMD
Risk of COVID mRNA Vaccines not increased in IBD. Reassurance for our patients who often ask this question. https://t.co/emwd3fiWmJ
RT @FITWITMD: Early but Reassuring Info for IBD patients ! https://t.co/kh8dUrLiOb 👌🏾@AmCollegeGastro @doc_ibd @GilMelmedMD
RT @FITWITMD: Early but Reassuring Info for IBD patients ! https://t.co/kh8dUrLiOb 👌🏾@AmCollegeGastro @doc_ibd @GilMelmedMD
Early but Reassuring Info for IBD patients ! https://t.co/kh8dUrLiOb 👌🏾@AmCollegeGastro @doc_ibd @GilMelmedMD
RT @AmJGastro: 📕In the #RedJournal In Pre-print @GJBotwin @doc_ibd @GilMelmedMD and colleagues at @IBDCedarsSinai @CedarsSinai "Adverse E…
RT @AmJGastro: 📕In the #RedJournal In Pre-print @GJBotwin @doc_ibd @GilMelmedMD and colleagues at @IBDCedarsSinai @CedarsSinai "Adverse E…
RT @AmJGastro: 📕In the #RedJournal In Pre-print @GJBotwin @doc_ibd @GilMelmedMD and colleagues at @IBDCedarsSinai @CedarsSinai "Adverse E…
RT @AmJGastro: 📕In the #RedJournal In Pre-print @GJBotwin @doc_ibd @GilMelmedMD and colleagues at @IBDCedarsSinai @CedarsSinai "Adverse E…
RT @AmJGastro: 📕In the #RedJournal In Pre-print @GJBotwin @doc_ibd @GilMelmedMD and colleagues at @IBDCedarsSinai @CedarsSinai "Adverse E…
Great work 👀 to see if those who a) were on biologics and b) did not have AE were then c) more likely to have nonseroconversion It would just be nice to know who we need to check for antibodies But great work all!
RT @AmJGastro: 📕In the #RedJournal In Pre-print @GJBotwin @doc_ibd @GilMelmedMD and colleagues at @IBDCedarsSinai @CedarsSinai "Adverse E…
RT @AmJGastro: 📕In the #RedJournal In Pre-print @GJBotwin @doc_ibd @GilMelmedMD and colleagues at @IBDCedarsSinai @CedarsSinai "Adverse E…
📕In the #RedJournal In Pre-print @GJBotwin @doc_ibd @GilMelmedMD and colleagues at @IBDCedarsSinai @CedarsSinai "Adverse Events Following SARS-CoV-2 mRNA Vaccination: Among Patients with #IBD" #InflammatoryBowelDisease #COVID19 #COVIDvaccine #COVIDvax h