RT @jimmy_dore: Why is ANOTHER study like this published @ NIH website? “Moderate-certainty evidence finds large reductions in COVID-19 de…
@zTobi_ @ichbinschoener @dramidoc Bla Bla.. Lesen und verstehen.. https://t.co/xRQEUpkFho Viel Spaß damit.. 😉
@Kagushira1 @dramidoc @Polittalker92 Wirkt also nicht? 🤔 https://t.co/xRQEUpkFho Nur mal so.. Diese Meta - Analyse ist vom Juli/August 2021.. Also ist schon etwas länger bekannt.. 😉
@one_skeptical @PaulWDrake @WilcoxTam @JDVance1 since you like authoritative sources, here's one that it works: https://t.co/hDOXn9cAHa It also says the drug works when USED EARLY, not when pumped into people already hospitalized or on ventilators. Or yo
@ariehkovler There are literally dozens of studies proving it’s efficacy. Read the conclusion. https://t.co/phAJaw2zy3
@ruggermax94 @ariehkovler There’s also this from NIH. Go ahead and skip to the conclusion. I got better in 5 days with IVM and HCQ https://t.co/phAJaw2zy3
@RamirezTownsend @time_outdoors @CNN @GOP And yet here is a paper from a government agency saying Ivermectin indeed works to combat covid. Try and keep up. https://t.co/8fr8OA7il0
@Luebbe90 @BioNerd21 @L88652604 Indien und Guatamala https://t.co/D2uIx2dzfh und https://t.co/Ms1yLothKg Metastudie https://t.co/R0zd8OGjG0 https://t.co/lKhxAcXvkp
@GetrealTwo @EsotericVendeta @phun_kenny @Endrepublicanr1 @ImNotAnAddict @BolsegaJay @SandwichExplor1 @KSchleiffer @ACNickel @loveisanswer34 @TwitterSafety And this...it it was false they would take it down... https://t.co/tpScjxOEKx
RT @jimmy_dore: Why is ANOTHER study like this published @ NIH website? “Moderate-certainty evidence finds large reductions in COVID-19 de…
@mel_med_larson @marwilliamson During the pandemic the accepted truth has changed plenty of times. What the media and government feeds the media isn't always the truth. Rogan was treated with ivermectin. Personally I wouldn't use it but peer review says it
@EricW_Photos @uncaged_truth @JustinTrudeau You should really read the actual studies and not “fact checkers” https://t.co/phAJaw2zy3
@semisappho https://t.co/I7xvtuycUE aha- aber in Fachliteratur bzgl. Wirksamkeit auf Platz 1 https://t.co/eEOYoIiJ95 Hauptsache Dummland-Faktenfuchs 🤣🙈 https://t.co/ecrZhbZtG3
@EricW_Photos @JustinTrudeau You know…like this study from the NIG and American Journal of Therapeutics. Sorry I wasn’t trying to make you look like the horses a** you posted. You did that all by yourself https://t.co/phAJaw2zy3
@FrankLassowski Fachliteratur lesen Sie nicht? https://t.co/eEOYoIiJ95
RT @MZuhlsdorf: @FelixPosch1 Weil Wissenschaft, Propaganda-Opfer wie du haben es damit halt nicht... https://t.co/p6BG3nqgVm
@DrNathanCole Spricht sie nicht... https://t.co/p6BG3nqgVm
@Echtjetzt5 Wenn man keine Ahnung hat und lieber Propaganda wiederholt: https://t.co/p6BG3nqgVm
@FelixPosch1 Weil Wissenschaft, Propaganda-Opfer wie du haben es damit halt nicht... https://t.co/p6BG3nqgVm
@Danubell @ChefGruel @disclosetv French co made injectable ivermectin,shows more successful covid prevention than vax. New Hampshire making ivermectin OTC-like many countries already do.Tho media helps hide it-NIH says studies show significant drop in covi
@bordner_maryann @AndyGrewal No evidence 😂 https://t.co/f6tY1XmVQj
@Kaxelito @timsoderberg Ivermectin är ett väl beprövat läkemedel. Man visste att ivermectin och hydroxichlorokin kunde fungera mot covid tidigt men istället väntade man tills vaxxinet kunde nödgodkännas. Många liv kunde ha räddats. https://t.co/8d0xg7oVCk
RT @jimmy_dore: Why is ANOTHER study like this published @ NIH website? “Moderate-certainty evidence finds large reductions in COVID-19 de…
@Eddy_Bear @IOK2BW @JusticeBrowsing @petembike @JoePompliano Where are you getting your information from..? https://t.co/uQpYDHpm52
@Siriannista @unknwnanswrs @mikomerro Or this analysis of studies back in July 2021 https://t.co/RYD8XKzX7r
@Endrepublicanr1 And... None of these studies taken down... https://t.co/tpScjxOEKx
@ChumpDoo @ScottAdamsSays so why call ivermectin "horse dewormer"? https://t.co/XngKh6CTNj
@GetrealTwo @EsotericVendeta @phun_kenny @Endrepublicanr1 @ImNotAnAddict @BolsegaJay @SandwichExplor1 @KSchleiffer @ACNickel @loveisanswer34 You keep spreading deadly COVID disinformation which could be saving lives and reducing symptoms! https://t.co/tpSc
@GetrealTwo @EsotericVendeta @phun_kenny @Endrepublicanr1 @ImNotAnAddict @BolsegaJay @SandwichExplor1 @KSchleiffer @ACNickel @loveisanswer34 Hey genius, why hasn't NIH removed their studies which show the drug works as an early treatment? You keep spreadin
"Rogan has previously attracted controversy over his COVID-19 views...[he also] said he used ivermectin, an anti-parasite drug used mainly on horses that has no proven benefit against COVID [??]..." The benefit is discussed here: https://t.co/aMsqVkDueO h
🇺🇸 Why are studies done by experts in therapeutics censored, their studies never discussed by Main Stream Media? Isn't that what science is supposed to be about. If Fauci was king when science said the world was flat, would he have shut down Galileo! ht
THERAPEUTIC ADVANCES "Ivermectin for Prevention and Treatment of COVID-19 Infection: A Systematic Review, Meta-analysis, and Trial Sequential Analysis to Inform Clinical Guidelines" 👇 https://t.co/G1bPHUbDj8
.The establishment media and the faithful laptop classes don't want to hear this. They don't like serious debate
@bronxish @AndyGrewal More dangerous info... Shut Down the NIH?!? https://t.co/agd1e6izng
RT @jimmy_dore: Why is ANOTHER study like this published @ NIH website? “Moderate-certainty evidence finds large reductions in COVID-19 de…
RT @mjhempco: Ivermectin cures COVID. FDA/CDC/NIH knew that. Twatter/MSM are cesspools of lies/censorship. An avalanche of truth is coming…
RT @UrsaMinorAlpha: @koichi_kawakami ニュートラルの立場ですが、ここ数日、4件ほど、記事が出ています。 https://t.co/Ezc9rWfDts https://t.co/gQ7Lrh85vz https://t.co/CWycs…
@ChumpDoo @ScottAdamsSays Do you mean ivermectin! Let’s see what the experts think: https://t.co/lprwp08gMJ
RT @WaltButternut: @bordner_maryann @AndyGrewal At least read the scientific literature to understand that controversial topics are usually…
@bordner_maryann @ketaminelover @AndyGrewal Well, you are wrong. This simply is not hard to do. You just have to basically question everything MSM tells you - because all they do is repeat a narative. https://t.co/CLyLb4PE8w
RT @jimmy_dore: Why is ANOTHER study like this published @ NIH website? “Moderate-certainty evidence finds large reductions in COVID-19 de…
RT @WaltButternut: @bordner_maryann @AndyGrewal At least read the scientific literature to understand that controversial topics are usually…
RT @mjhempco: Ivermectin cures COVID. FDA/CDC/NIH knew that. Twatter/MSM are cesspools of lies/censorship. An avalanche of truth is coming…
@RollingStone https://t.co/PXPDwjWsXa Is this the misinformation they talking about? Seems to be legit right?
@dinkyvision @RicardoRangels @RollingStone https://t.co/PXPDwjWsXa Here's that misinformation you're talking about.
RT @jimmy_dore: Why is ANOTHER study like this published @ NIH website? “Moderate-certainty evidence finds large reductions in COVID-19 de…
RT @jimmy_dore: Why is ANOTHER study like this published @ NIH website? “Moderate-certainty evidence finds large reductions in COVID-19 de…
RT @Marlomite: @rarteaga76 @patternpatrol @LeMondeDavantt @disclosetv Ivermectin for Prevention and Treatment of COVID-19 Infection: A Syst…
@Alsmithson2 @TenaciousGreek @bordner_maryann @AndyGrewal https://t.co/JrbflSCXF7 NIH studying ivermectin: https://t.co/0VJJrviRJj NIH stance on ivermectin: https://t.co/y7TvriBrEX A compilation of data: https://t.co/mH5T4hjcnM https://t.co/L9oRda
@GBNEWS So does the US government https://t.co/DAsadGwFzd
@Alsmithson2 @TenaciousGreek @bordner_maryann @AndyGrewal ivermectin prophylaxis reduced COVID-19 infection by an average 86%, and reduced mortality by 49% when administered to disease progressed patients based a metaanalysis Of 24 randomized controlled tr
@bordner_maryann @AndyGrewal ivermectin prophylaxis reduced COVID-19 infection by an average 86%, and reduced mortality by 49% when administered to disease progressed patients based a metaanalysis Of 24 randomized controlled trials involving 3406 participa
@Alsmithson2 @TenaciousGreek @bordner_maryann @AndyGrewal I'll give you two. One study, and one a reference to ALL of the studies https://t.co/0us6H7kqTz
@WilliamTrotma19 @stixxidinya @nada_lemming Okay then maybe stop talking. Dont call something dubious when the NIH itself says "moderate-certainty evidence finds large reductions in deaths are possible using ivermectin". https://t.co/rug1quvOey Stop usin
Za one koji se prepadnu na samu riječ.
@jarchey1 @QwnOligarchBich @JonasFornaro It's a real study though. https://t.co/vzTwBgdiur
RT @jimmy_dore: Why is ANOTHER study like this published @ NIH website? “Moderate-certainty evidence finds large reductions in COVID-19 de…
@pepelinatiff_ @VegasVIII @Breaking911 @joerogan Here’s a source for you: https://t.co/BugAYVifTG
RT @jimmy_dore: Why is ANOTHER study like this published @ NIH website? “Moderate-certainty evidence finds large reductions in COVID-19 de…
@MySolubleFish @stinkydog480 @joerogan @Spotify Regarding the “misinformation” about ivermectin. “Conclusions: Moderate-certainty evidence finds that large reductions in COVID-19 deaths are possible using ivermectin.” https://t.co/YaQrElDlsw
@AP Study from American Therapuetic Using ivermectin early in the clinical course may reduce numbers progressing to severe disease https://t.co/9hhg8tqok0
RT @jimmy_dore: Why is ANOTHER study like this published @ NIH website? “Moderate-certainty evidence finds large reductions in COVID-19 de…
RT @WaltButternut: @bordner_maryann @AndyGrewal At least read the scientific literature to understand that controversial topics are usually…
RT @ann_omynous: @Shirley888444 @doctor_oxford Many studies found it helpful for preventing & treating Covid. For some reason the US ignore…
@bordner_maryann @AndyGrewal Take a look at the American Journal of Therapeutics study: https://t.co/SObMSUnSnI
RT @jimmy_dore: Why is ANOTHER study like this published @ NIH website? “Moderate-certainty evidence finds large reductions in COVID-19 de…
RT @jimmy_dore: Why is ANOTHER study like this published @ NIH website? “Moderate-certainty evidence finds large reductions in COVID-19 de…
@ScottAdamsSays @stillgray @ScottAdamsSays - unless I'm misreading this, it seems that it DID show effectiveness in humans...and it's still right there on the NIH website. Am I missing something? https://t.co/MXBgdwGjJY
RT @jimmy_dore: Why is ANOTHER study like this published @ NIH website? “Moderate-certainty evidence finds large reductions in COVID-19 de…
@bordner_maryann @AndyGrewal At least read the scientific literature to understand that controversial topics are usually controversial for a reason. Only looking at things that confirm your narrative is as unscientific as you can get. Whether this analysis
RT @ArdorNew: @doctor_oxford There is plenty of evidence, just need to be willing to look past the disinformation. Here is a metanalysis o…
RT @jimmy_dore: Why is ANOTHER study like this published @ NIH website? “Moderate-certainty evidence finds large reductions in COVID-19 de…
@SolNataMD Study from American journal of therapeutics Using ivermectin early in the clinical course may reduce numbers progressing to severe disease https://t.co/9hhg8tqok0